Electrical isolation & circuit testing


Electrical isolation

Electrical Isolation and circuit testing services assist clients whose properties have been affected by flood, fire, or impact damage. Excessive use of appliances within the home may cause electrical cables to break down and faults will occur. 

Rodents within a property, such as Rats or Mice, may chew through electrical cables causing an electrical fault and a property switchboard will need to be isolated for safety. Electrical faults can be extremely dangerous and life-threatening. 

If a fault has occurred at a property, it is imperative that the occupant does not attempt to fix it themselves and we highly recommend calling a professional to assist. 

Electrical isolation circuit testing

Our Guarantee

At Presidential, we service not only residential properties but also commercial buildings and strata complexes. Electrical professionals can isolate a single property, as well as an entire complex depending on the electrical assessment. 

Occupant safety is our guarantee. Our trades follow strict risk assessment guidelines to ensure the safety of occupants, trades as well as the public. To ensure an accidental release of hazardous does not occur, our trades will isolate all forms of potentially hazardous energy.

Our Solution

Immediate emergency response providing assessment, electrical isolation and circuit testing as well as reinstatement to prevent further damage. The assessment is put through expert project management processes that manage the complete permanent reconstruction. 

Have confidence and reassurance when you deal with a single organisation and point of contact throughout the repair process. Since 2012, Presidential Group has helped a wide range of residential and commercial customers with tree removals in Perth and WA. 

Need an emergency repair?

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